Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sleep, or lack of

Why is it that on the 1 or maybe 2 days you could REALLY enjoy sleeping a little, children have these mental alarms that scream, "MOMMY isn't going to work today! Wake-UP, wake HER up! Hurry!"  Seriously?  Friday at work I was SO tired and all I could think about was (other than my pre-baby self) was how much sleep I should be able to catch up with the 3 day weekend.  Saturday, kids should sleep until 8:30-that is 2 hrs catch up; Sunday, 8:30-another 2 hours; Monday, yup, 8:30. . .that is a total of 6 hours catch up sleep that I should HAVE been able to get, right??? So, why is it that yesterday, Saturday, my children both decided to wake up at 7:30?!?!?! WHAT??? Sure, you sleep in for your dad every Monday through Friday but yeah, just go ahead and jump on me at 7:30. . .Then last night (kids should've gone to bed early, right?  They woke up so dang early!) Tyler went down at 10 and then proceeded to get out of bed and come to the living room every 30 minutes until 1 a.m. at which Kurt and I decided if we just went to bed and he knew we were in bed he wouldn't come to our room. . .WRONG!  Shortly after we turned out all the lights, we heard the pitter patter of little feet.  I nudged Kurt but of course he has the blessed ability to sleep throughout children's noises. . .so I took Tyler out to the living room and laid on the couch.  He FINALLY fell asleep at 2:55 and I carried him to his bed.  His eyes flickered and he sat up-'PLEASE NO', my head screamed!  But he just re-arranged himself and fell back asleep!  WHEW!  I crawled into bed around 3 a.m. and thought, well, I'll get 5 hours of sleep. . .but no, Kendall had to wake up at 7.  And, even though I have no idea what tomorrow (Memorial Day) brings, I'm assuming that I won't get that 6 extra catch up hours that I had my heart set on.  Yay. . . .here's to lack of sleep for the next 5 years!

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