Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fairy Tales..

          Even though as a little girl I was never really into dolls, or princess movies, or “getting married” on the playground during lunch to a boy that you’ll for many years still be far too shy to even talk to. Even though I was more of a tomboy, for lack of a better word, and preferred being outside playing on the farm and taking care of animals, to being inside playing with dolls or helping my mom cook, I still always held on to the idea of a fairy tale. I don’t know if this is imposed by society, or media, or our mothers, or if it is innate, I don’t know, but I do know that most little girls, and grown women, never let go of the dream…the fairy tale. We still want to be swept off of our feet, to feel safe, to have a man that is taller, stronger, and smarter (although we know that will probably never really ever happen), than us. We all want a man that makes more money, changes the oil in the vehicles, fixes the leaky plumbing, and still makes time to be sensitive to our wants and needs. We want a man who can read our emotions and understand why we are feeling mad, or sad, or scared, or agitated, without us actually having to verbalize this to them, and then knows what to do to make everything better.
          Then it happens, and if it hasn’t happened yet, it will. I remember a day in my early 20s when it seemed that everyone around me was in love and happy, getting married, starting families, then there was me…living rent free in a house that my dad owned, eating 1 turkey sandwich a day because I had no job and I needed to save whatever money I did have to go to the bar to find the man of my dreams every Saturday, and only having my dog to cuddle up to every night. I know, pathetic, I can’t help it, I was having a pity party for myself and it lasted a few months. I was at the point where I was starting to believe that love wasn’t for me, and I needed to be content with being a single girl, but I still held on to that fairy tale dream. Eventually it happened, and things fell into place. I got a good job, met the man of my dreams and EVERYTHING was right in the world, in my world at least! And then you get comfortable with each other, or in my case, he got comfortable with me and the farting and using the toilet became a lot less private. The showering and shaving became a lot less frequent, because he didn’t want to waste water. Yes, he actually said that! The oil in my car that he is able to change, became less of a priority, and forget him knowing what I want without having to tell him!
          There may be a few people out there that are living the fairy tale dream and have everything that I mentioned above, but trust me….THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!  They fight just like the rest of us, they get completely annoyed just like the rest of us, they have a messy house at times just like the rest of us…and they take their car to the mechanic JUST LIKE THE REST OF US! But remember, they probably love like the rest of us too. I think we all have days when it seems like we didn’t marry our soul mate, but there are a lot more days that prove to us that we did, in fact, marry the person that can accept us, and loves us, and has so many of the same long-term goals as us…soul mate? I don’t know. The person that I can’t imagine my life without, yes. This is my new fairy tale.


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