Everything Will be Better Tomorrow
You have your family, you have your job, your home, your dogs, your routine...and then the rug is pulled out and everything that was normal is no longer. A few things that I’ve learned over the last few months...
1. You’ll find out who your friends are. There are the type of people in your life that are there because they need to be due to work, school, hobbies, whatever it may be...and then there are the people that are in your life because they want to be. These are the friends that will provide comfort, support, a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on at any time throughout the day or at 2 AM. Keep these people in your life and tell them thank you, without them, you wouldn’t be quite the you that you are today.
2. Your family, aside from your mother who will always be on your side (no matter what that side is!), is never too worried to speak their mind when it needs to be spoken...even if you’re not ready or willing to hear it at the time. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t care.
3. Even when you feel your worst, your children will always think you’re Supermom or Superdad, so continue to be that person for them. Little kids will always think their dad is the strongest man in the world and that their mom makes the best macaroni and cheese and gives the best hugs. Keep it that way!
4. Your children will always be your greatest love, your greatest job, and your greatest investment. Spend quality time, do extraordinary things often, make memories, be interested in their stories and drawings (even when you don’t know what they are), and be happy with them. It only makes sense that you should focus on how you want your child’s life to look as an adult, be that model for them. When things are difficult, show them how to be strong. When things are easy, show them how to have fun. Show them how to forgive, but teach them to stand up for themselves.
5. “Normal” is whatever you want it to be. The wonderful thing about life is that we have choices and are able to make the abnormal normal.
6. Finally, when things seem unfair and life becomes difficult, put the kids to bed early and have a large glass of wine! Everything will be better tomorrow!
Love you and love seeing you write again!! Great blog!